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Six ways to beat false allegations of child abuse

On Behalf of | Mar 10, 2022 | Parental Alienation |

Parental alienation can take many forms. Sometimes a manipulating parent simply lies to a child about the other parent. While this may sound relatively minor at first, if you’re reading this post then you know that it can be an extremely powerful parental alienation tactic, especially if those lies are aimed at making your child believe that he or she has been abused.

How to defend yourself against false allegations of child abuse

If you’ve been wrongly accused of child abuse or neglect, then you need to be prepared to defend yourself lest you face serious limitations on your contact with your child. Here are some things that you can do to better protect yourself and your relationship with your child:

  1. Identify motivations for the false allegations
  2. Create a timeline leading up to the events to spot triggering events and to demonstrate that you didn’t abuse your child
  3. Gather pertinent documentation, such as emails, text messages, and call logs that may speak to the other parent’s motivation
  4. Seek assistance from a mental health professional who is skilled at handling parental alienation issues
  5. Regardless of how you feel, keep your composure and remember that what you say will likely be used against you
  6. Ensure that any therapist your child sees understands your side of the story

These are just some of the steps that you can take to beat false allegations of child abuse, but don’t limit yourself here. Instead, think creatively about what you can do to show that you’re a loving parent who wants to keep his or her child safe. Guidance in these matters can be obtained from a legal professional who is well-versed in this area of the law, so conduct your research and consider contacting the advocate that you think that you need on your side.

