If you and your child are being subjected to parental alienation, then you need to figure out what you can do to bring it to a stop and how to do so as quickly as possible. While achieving that ultimate outcome may require successful legal action in the form of a...
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Month: March 2022
Six ways to beat false allegations of child abuse
Parental alienation can take many forms. Sometimes a manipulating parent simply lies to a child about the other parent. While this may sound relatively minor at first, if you’re reading this post then you know that it can be an extremely powerful parental alienation...
5 steps to rebuild your relationship after parental alienation
Parental alienation can be devastating to your relationship with your child. Your child’s behavior towards you can change in the blink of an eye, and he or she may develop false beliefs about you that last a long time. As we’ve discussed on this blog, there are a...
What to do if you think they’re taking your kids abroad
In 1980, many countries, including the United States, entered into the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction Treaty. Under this multilateral treaty, countries agreed to a legal framework to protect children from being taken from their home country to another...