Frustration among divorcing parents over ongoing acts of parental alienation is all too common. Being denied time with children presents challenges that often reach the boiling point where parents at odds are not always at their best.However, a judge losing her temper...
Stop The Dominoes From Falling Now
Month: March 2017
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What you need to know about parental gatekeeping
Parental gatekeeping is a necessary strategy to protect children from parents suffering from alcohol or drug above or committing violent or neglectful acts. In those scenarios, the other parents have the right to restrict contact.Another more sinister definition of...
Parental alienation through badmouthing
In their post-divorce lives, mothers and fathers may not be at their best. The simplest of misunderstandings can become blown out of proportion. However, many ex-spouses outright sabotage the relationship the other enjoys with the children.In their book, "Working With...