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Judge saves Pitt from parental alienation

On Behalf of | Jun 19, 2018 | Parental Alienation |

When celebrities are at their peak of fame, we live vicariously through them. When their lives take a turn for the worse, however, it’s easy to separate ourselves from the celebrity and rejoice in the proof that no one can be that perfect.

For over a decade, much of the U.S. has been captivated by the couple known as “Brangelina”. Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie started off an unlikely duo for breaking Jennifer Aniston’s heart, but gained favor with the public when they began their family. Having adopted three of their six children from third-world countries, the couple called attention to humanitarian crises around the world. While their love story had evolved into a modern day fairy-tale, it took the shape of a nightmare in 2016.

Now, with the couple embroiled in a headline-grabbing custody dispute, we can use this tragedy as a brief case study on parental alienation and its impact on a custody dispute.

Parental alienation

Angelina Jolie has reportedly been alienating Brad Pitt from his six children by bad-mouthing him in their presence and getting in the way of his ability to have a meaningful relationship with them.

A judge recently decided that, despite what Jolie stated, it’s in the children’s best interest to have their father in their lives. If Jolie continues this pattern of alleged alienation, she risks losing custody for not putting her children first.

A parent in a custody battle needs to consider the best interests of the child just as much as the judge. Parents whose thoughts, words and actions align with their children’s best interests will have a better relationship with their children and more than likely, a better custody outcome.
