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Three steps to take if you suspect international kidnapping

On Behalf of | Aug 31, 2022 | International Child Abduction |

You may have fallen in love and had a child with someone from another country. While you naturally expected your relationship to last, things fell apart, and you may find yourself in a difficult situation in which your child’s other parent is threatening to take the child out of the United States in violation of your custody order. Are there steps you can take to prevent this scenario from occurring?

Steps to take if you suspect international kidnapping

First, if you suspect your child’s other parent has plans to take your child out of the United States in violation of your custody order, you can proactively obtain a court order to stop your child’s other parent from leaving the country. In addition, a court order can serve as grounds for the police to take action to prevent the abduction if necessary.

Second, if you believe your child’s other parent has absconded with the child abroad, you can contact the police. The police are able to list your child as a missing person, which can help expand the search for your child.

Third, if you believe your child’s other parent is taking your child abroad on a plane in violation of your custody order, you can contact the airline where your child’s other parent is flying out on. Your court order can prohibit international travel.

Seek help with your international kidnapping case

If you suspect your child’s other parent is absconding with the child abroad in violation of your custody order, you may feel helpless and scared. Still, there are steps you can take to help bring your child home safely. In addition to the above three steps, you can contact a family law attorney to ensure you are doing all you can to bring your child home.
