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Ways that parental alienation can harm children

On Behalf of | Jul 6, 2022 | Family Law |

Our national blog focuses on the various aspects of child custody, both nationally and internationally. One such topic is parental alienation syndrome. Indeed, one reason some blog posts focus on three possible negative effects of PAS and this blog will go over additional negative PAS effects.

Family projection process (FPP)

FPP is the process in which the custodial parent projects their emotional issues onto their child. For example, if the custodial parent has an unfounded fear of the noncustodial parent, that fear can transfer to the child, affecting that child’s relationship with the other parent. The child eventually begins to think those fears are their own feelings.

Multigenerational transmission process (MTP)

MTP is the process where multigenerational family dynamics transfer onto the child. If those behaviors are negative or unhealthy, they can program the child’s emotional responses, stunting their emotional development, including their sense of “self.”

Emotional cutoff

Emotional cutoff refers to parental attempts to reduce relational tension with family members, including the other parent, by cutting off that family member. This cutoff can be done by actually cutting off contact, but it can also include just cutting off their emotional connection with that family member.

For a PAS child, the alienating parent is targeting the other parent and child, which is then reflected by the child. This can be child abuse because it destroys the child’s attachment system. After all, it is not healthy for a child to experience parental emotional cutoff, and it is a learned behavior.

PAS is a serious problem

While co-parenting your child, if you notice these or other symptoms, contact a mental health professional immediately. If they confirm and diagnose PAS or some other mental health issue connected with your co-parent, contact your divorce attorney. You may need to modify the child custody order, along with initiating long-term mental health therapy.
