The WannaCry cyber attack that infected more than 300,000 computers caused worldwide disruptions in hospitals, banks and schools. The mass ransomware hacking also put a bright spotlight on the growing problem of cybercrimes. In the first quarter of 2017 alone, attacks similar to WannaCry increased by 250 percent.
People commit crimes for a variety of reasons. Some do it in the heat of passion while others are merely defending themselves or others. Cybercriminals also have their own motivation for their illegal hacking activities. Most do it for money. Others do it for sheer pride, satisfied with a non-monetary “gotcha” moment.
Committing a cybercrime starts with securing malicious tools that allow access to and control of servers. Hackers then execute scripts to install full libraries and run programs to conduct random searches or attack specific networks.
When it comes to the infiltration of computer systems, cost-savings and effectiveness has replaced pricey, more sophisticated techniques. From simple downloads to entire packages, cybercriminals do not have to spend too much or look too far to identify network and server weaknesses and potential targets.
When sophisticated tools to hack computer networks are readily available, they can serve as a “gateway” for those who may not possess the dedication or skill of their more savvy counterparts. Private networks and what is known as “the Dark Web” commonly provide access to these tools. However, the most mainstream of websites also list top hacking tools for reference and testing purposes.
Simply put, these tools are hiding in plain sight.