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Parental Alienation: What Can (and Should) the Courts Do?

On Behalf of | Nov 24, 2016 | Parental Alienation |

Parental alienation can have devastating consequences. More and more courts around the country and internationally are condemning alienating behaviors and taking action to remedy the matters. In part 2 of my 2-part article on parental alienation, I discuss what can (and should) the courts do to intervene in a situation involving parental alienation. 

While it’s encouraging to see the courts intervene to stop and remedy alienation, it’s still common to see several myths about parental alienation flourishing amongst judges, case evaluators, guardians ad litem, therapists and lawyers. As I explain in my article, these myths have been thoroughly debunked by cutting-edge research in the field. Yet these ghosts refuse to go back into the shadows and continue to linger. The only solution is more education. Get the help that you need. Educate yourself, your court, your evaluator and use the good research that’s available to save your relationship with your children.

Read the part 2 of my article on parental alienation: Article on Parental Alienation
