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Parental Alienation Resources



by Demosthenes Lorandos (Author, Editor), William Bernet (Editor), S. Richard Sauber (Editor) is the essential “how to” manual in this important and ever increasing area of behavioral science and law. Busy mental health professionals need a reference guide to aid them in developing data sources to support their positions in reports and testimony. They also need to know where to go to find the latest material on a topic. Having this material within arm’s reach will avoid lengthy and time-consuming online research. For legal professionals who must ground their arguments in well thought out motions and repeated citations to case precedent, ready access to state or province specific legal citations spanning thirty-five years of parental alienation cases is provided here for the first time in one place.


by Gardner, Sauber, and Lorandos, has become the standard reference work for PAS. The International Handbook features clinical, legal, and research perspectives from 32 contributors from eight countries.

The Handbook examines the effects of PAS on both parents and children and includes new material on incidence, gender, and false accusations of abuse.

The Handbook also touches heavily on the legal aspects of PAS in American law, including criticism of PAS in courts of law, the fundamental rights of children, international PAS abductions, and the legal requirements for expert testimony.


by Terrence W. Campbell and Demosthenes Lorandos, is a must for every family law practitioner. This two-volume practice set provides step-by-step guidance how to refute behavioral scientists’ conjecture and speculation to ensure favorable rulings on Daubert, Kuhmo Tire and Frye standards. Integrates hundreds of questioning strategies and actual questions to save you time and energy in preparing your cases. Demonstrates how to examine and challenge the expertise of mental health experts and the use of psychological tests. Details both the scientific research and the legal aspects behind a mental health expert’s testimony.


by Lorandos and Campbell, provides immediate access to authoritative information and immediate decision-making tools for judges and attorneys.

The U.S. Supreme Court decisions in Daubert, Joiner, and Kumho Tire have profoundly altered the rules of evidence regarding expert testimony. However, recent research indicates court personnel have little understanding of how to implement these changes in the behavioral sciences. The Federal Rules of Evidence now reflect the changes brought about by the Daubert trilogy. Before the Benchbook, there were no guidelines, practice books, or judicial decision-making manuals that address even in the vaguest “gatekeeping” responsibilities in the behavioral sciences.

Here are more resources from our colleagues

Parental Alienation 911 Workbook

Jill Egizii, Michele Lowrance | English, 2012

This product is ideal for anyone who wants to understand the facts about parental alienation. In particular this product is geared toward arming parents who wonder if they are experiencing alienation with all the information they need to make the best of a difficult, potentially inflammatory situation.

Parental Alienation, DSM-5, and ICD-11

William Bernet | English, 2010

Parental alienation is an important phenomenon that mental health professionals should know about and thoroughly understand, especially those who work with children, adolescents, divorced adults, and adults whose parents divorced when they were children. In this book, the authors define parental alienation as a mental condition in which a child – usually one whose parents are engaged in a high-conflict divorce – allies himself or herself strongly with one parent (the preferred parent) and rejects a relationship with the other parent (the alienated parent) without legitimate justification. This process leads to a tragic outcome when the child and the alienated parent, who previously had a loving and mutually satisfying relationship, lose the nurture and joy of that relationship for many years and perhaps for their lifetimes. The authors of this book believe that parental alienation is not simply a minor aberration in the life of a family, but a serious mental condition. Because of the false belief that the alienated parent is a dangerous or unworthy person, the child loses one of the most important relationships in his or her life. This book includes a comprehensive international bibliography regarding parental alienation with more than 600 citations.

Surviving Parental Alienation: A Journey of Hope and Healing

Amy J. L. Baker | English, 2014

Half of all marriages end, and, when they do, most parents hope to achieve a “good divorce” in which they can amicably raise their children with their former spouse. Unfortunately, about 20% of divorces are high-conflict, involving frequent visits to court, allegations of abuse, and chronic disagreements regarding parenting schedules. In response to this conflict, some children become aligned with one parent against the other – even a parent who has done nothing to warrant the hostile rejection of their formerly loving children. These “targeted” parents suffer from the loss of time with their children, the pain of watching their children become distant, even cruel, and the uncertainty of not knowing if and when their children will come back to them. These parents are on a painful journey with an uncertain outcome. Surviving Parental Alienation fills the tremendous need for concrete help for these parents. Surviving Parental Alienation provides true stories and information about parents who have reconnected with their lost and stolen children, and offers better insight and understanding into what exactly parental alienation is and how to handle it.

Toxic Divorce: A Workbook for Alienated Parents

Kathleen M. Reay | English, 2011

In the 1980s, Dr. Richard A. Gardner, a child and forensic psychiatrist, championed a child custody litigation phenomenon called Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS). Since that time, the PAS phenomenon has gained increased recognition in both the mental health and legal fields. For well over four decades, parental divorce has been determined as the cause of a variety of significant physical, emotional, academic, and social difficulties in children and adolescents. Moreover, high-conflict between divorcing or divorced parents, including the PAS phenomenon, is a noteworthy risk factor for children and adolescents. This workbook is the first of its kind for alienated parents and is divided into three parts. Part One will provide the knowledge and understanding you need to personally deal with the ramifications of PAS or to help those who do. Thus, from a broad perspective this book is written for a wide array of readers including those directly affected by PAS as well as for extended family members, significant others, counselors, social workers, psychologists, psychiatrists, child custody evaluators, family mediators, general practitioners, pediatricians, family law lawyers, judiciary, police officers, school administrators, school teachers, and policy makers.

The Parental Alienation Syndrome: A Family Therapy and Collaborative Systems Approach to Amelioration

Linda Gottlieb | English, 2012

In this thought-provoking book, Ms. Gottlieb attempts to resolve the controversies surrounding parental alienation syndrome (PAS) by providing substantial empirical evidence from her treatment cases in support of the eight symptoms which child psychiatrist, Richard Gardner, had identified as occurring in the PAS child, and she further exemplifies the commonality of the alienating maneuvers among the alienating parents. Numerous case examples are explored: horrific tales of manufactured child abuse; referrals to child protective services (CPS) resulting in suspension of visits between targeted parents and their children; meritless reports to police alleging domestic violence in support of orders of protection; and exclusionary tactics preventing targeted parents’ involvement in their children’s medical, educational, social lives and activities. Ms. Gottlieb methodically documents that PAS is a form of emotional child abuse of the severest kind. The author provides an unprecedented number of treatment summaries, which demonstrate the effectiveness of structural family therapy in treating the PAS family. This book will be an excellent resource for: parents who are divorcing or are in conflict, adult victims of PAS, judges, law guardians, matrimonial attorneys, therapists, child protective personnel, law enforcement — and for the professional rescuer who believes that a child must be saved from a parent.

Working With Alienated Children and Families: A Clinical Guidebook

English 2013

This edited volume is written by and for mental health professionals who work directly with alienated children and their parents. The chapters are written by leaders in the field, all of whom know how vexing parental alienation can be for mental health professionals.

No matter how the professional intersects with families affected by alienation, be it through individual treatment, reunification therapy, a school setting, or support groups, he or she needs to consider how to make proper assessments, how to guard against bias, and when and how to involve the court system, among other challenges. The cutting edge clinical interventions presented in this book will help professionals answer these questions and help them to help their clients. The authors present a range of clinical options such as parent education, psycho-educational programs for children, and reunification programs for children and parents that make this volume a useful reference and practical guide.

The Essentials of Parental Alienation Syndrome: It’s Real, It’s Here and It Hurts

Robert Evans, Michael Bone | English, 2011

We are seeing an increase in high conflict, adversarial divorce cases in mental health practices and in the courtrooms around the country. These cases present with a significant amount of parental conflict and, as a consequence, represent a threat to the children caught in the middle of these conflicts. Curiously, there is a great commonality among these cases in terms of the tactics alienators use to separate a parent from his or her children. It is almost as if they, the favored parent, were reading from a published playbook. Parental alienation syndrome (PAS) is acknowledged as being controversial within the mental health profession and equally controversial within the legal profession. It is important for professionals to get a sense of both sides of the PAS issue. Whether one uses PAS as a term, the problems brought by these cases are very real. Whether or not it is the appropriate diagnosis or description of behavior in a case must be determined by facts of that case and supported by evidence and data from multiple sources. An appropriate diagnosis and identification of PAS, along with a description of the severity, can make the difference between timely and effective interventions or allowing parents and children to be scarred for the rest of their lives.

Adult Children of Parental Alienation Syndrome: Breaking the Ties That Bind

Amy J. L. Baker | English, 2007

Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS) occurs when divorcing parents use children as pawns, trying to turn the child against the other parent. This book examines the impact of PAS on adults and offers strategies and hope for dealing with the long-term effects.

Children of Divorce: A Practical Guide for Parents, Therapists, Attorneys, and Judges

William Bernet | English, 2007

This book speaks to the adults who deal with children of divorce–parents, therapists, attorneys, and judges–and gets them all on the same page. The authors believe that parents and professionals should be able to communicate with a common language regarding the children of divorce. This book contains much specific advice on how to achieve basic goals: children should have a good relationship with both parents; divorced parents should find ways to make life as normal as possible for their children; and divorced parents and their children should accept the inevitable losses and disappointments and move on with their lives. Children of Divorce is organized around the use of parenting plans, agreements that are developed through the collaboration of the parents rather than imposed by a judge.

Co-parenting with a Toxic Ex: What to Do When Your Ex-Spouse Tries to Turn the Kids Against You

Amy J. L. Baker | English, 2014

There’s no question about it: your children are the most important thing in your life. But if you have gone through a messy divorce, your relationship with your children may become strained if you have to deal with a toxic ex. Your ex may bad-mouth you in front of the kids, accuse you of being a bad parent, and even attempt to replace you in the children’s lives with a new partner. As a result, your children may become confused, conflicted, angry, anxious, or depressed—and you may feel powerless. In Co-parenting with a Toxic Ex, a nationally recognized parenting expert offers you a positive parenting approach to dealing with a hostile ex-spouse. You’ll learn to avoid the most common mistakes of coparenting, how to avoid “parental alienation syndrome,” and effective techniques for talking to your children in a way that fosters open and honest response. In addition, you’ll learn how to protect your children from painful loyalty conflicts between you and your ex-spouse.

Divorce is often painful, especially if your ex habitually tries to undermine your relationship with your children. But with the right tools you can protect your kids and make your relationship with them stronger than ever. This book can show you how.

Parental Alienation: How to Understand and Address Parental Alienation Resulting from Acrimonious Divorce or Separation

Ludwig Lowenstein | English, 2007

Parental Alienation is a significant contribution to debates on the effects of family breakdown. Drawing on international research, the book discusses the problems for parents and children when parental alienation occurs. It identifies the signs of parental alienation syndrome (PAS). Concerned with the important task of seeking to remedy PAS, author L.F. Lowenstein’s basic principle is that both parents have the right and the responsibility to guide their children appropriately. The book recognizes children need to be protected from the consequences of being alienated from a parent, and that both parents need to be treated fairly by the system. He also addresses the role of the judiciary, where both the experts and the courts need to help parents resolve their differences to safeguard the welfare of their children. Parental Alienation addresses the important issues of mediation and of treatment, including how to identify and treat accusations of abuse, and it discusses the therapeutic methods required in PAS and the psychological assessment/treatment of pathologically induced alienation.

Smoke and Mirrors: The Devastating Effect of False Sexual Abuse Claims

Terence Campbell | English, 1998

Smoke and Mirrors: The Devastating Effect of False Sexual Abuse Claims is an uncompromising examination of how false allegations originate, gather momentum, and too often culminate by ripping apart the lives of innocent people. Dr. Terence Campbell, a nationally recognized authority in the area of forensic psychology, passionately debates how false allegations of sexual abuse can occur anywhere to anyone.

The Good Karma Divorce: Avoid Litigation, Turn Negative Emotions into Positive Actions, and Get On with the Rest of Your Life

Michele Lowrance | English, 2011

The Good Karma Divorce is that rare guidebook that offers a concrete path to transforming painful experience into positive action. Family Judge Michele Lowrance, who experienced her parents’ divorce and two of her own, has developed what Karen Mathis, past president of the American Bar Association, describes as an “inspired and uplifting alternative to the agonizing divorce process.” Over the past four years, Judge Lowrance has seen literally one hundred percent of divorcing couples who applied the practices described in The Good Karma Divorce avoid trial. Firmly entrenched in real-world applicability, The Good Karma Divorce is a must-read not only for people in any phase of a divorce, but for psychologists, psychiatrists, attorneys, judges, and social workers, as well.

The Look of Love

Jill Egizii | English, 2010

Anna, the wife of a prominent local attorney, has decided enough is enough. After nearly twenty years of marriage, she realizes she must get free from her controlling spouse. In the process, she loses the only thing that made escaping worthwhile-her children. Despite their joint custody agreement, her ex uses his wiles, wealth, and legal experience to exile Anna from the family. Her once “normal” relationships with her son and daughter mysteriously sour. The system, the law, and her faith in herself all seem to fail her at the same time. While facing the fight of her life, Anna realizes the true meaning of friendship and love.

Where Did I Go Wrong? How Did I Miss the Signs? Dealing with Hostile Parenting & Parental Alienation

Joan Teresa Kloth-Zanard | English, 2013

Where Did I Go Wrong? How Did I Miss The Signs? is a prevention and intervention resource tool for parents, courts, attorney’s, counselors, agencies and anyone else who needs help with high conflict divorce and relationships. From start to finish, this book talks about divorce, marriage, hostile aggressive parenting during and after a divorce, how to deal with this, and help the children to thrive. From cover to cover, this book is filled with information to help stop the snowball affect of high conflict divorce, hostile aggressive parenting, all of which leads to the psychological abuse of the children by destroying their relationship with one of their parents or another relative. It is the hope that this book can help prevent this abuse from happening and help these families to move forward in a healthy, positive and successful way. All proceeds from this book go to Pas Intervention, a 501(c)(3) non-profit.

Children Held Hostage: Identifying Brainwashed Children, Presenting a Case, and Crafting Solutions Paperback – August 7, 2014

Stanley S. Clawar and Brynne V. Rivlin

In Children Held Hostage, Stanley Clawar and Brynne Rivlin use important new research involving over 1,000 families to demonstrate that children can and are being used by parents in the divorce battle. Their research shows how negative actions by parents toward their children show up in court proceedings where children testify or are questioned by mental health professionals. The major issue in confronting this problem of programmed and brainwashed children has been identification of a child alienated by one parent against the other; proving it in court; and then finding a solution that not only works, but that a court will buy into. The updated edition of Children Held Hostage explains these issues in detail, with practice-focused explanations on every step in the process. The authors offer further insights into gender issues and differences. Other new material includes a social-psychological profile of programmers and brainwashers; identification of the most commonly asked questions by judges, target parents, lawyers and children; an expanded social explanation to the causes, impact, and interventions; development of an abductor profile; charts to visualize key findings and processes; and much more.

A Family’s Heartbreak: A Parent’s Introduction to Parental Alienation

English, 2009

A Family’s Heartbreak: A Parent’s Introduction to Parental Alienation, is the true story of one parent’s struggle to maintain a normal, loving relationship with his young son in the face of overwhelming odds. From the emotionally devastating actions of the child’s other parent, to a court system and mental health community ill-equipped to deal with this destructive family dynamic, A Family’s Heartbreak: A Parent’s Introduction to Parental Alienation, is both an education in parental alienation and an eye opening experience for parents who don’t believe this could happen to them.

A Promise to Ourselves: A Journey Through Fatherhood and Divorce

September 23, 2008

Alec Baldwin

“I have been through some of the worst of contentious divorce litigation,” Alec Baldwin declares in A Promise to Ourselves. Using a very personal approach, he offers practical guidance to help others avoid the anguish he has endured.

An Academy and Tony Award nominee and a 2007 recipient of Golden Globe, SAG, and Television Critics Association Awards for best actor in a comedy, Alec Baldwin is one of the best-known, most successful actors in the world. His relationship with Kim Basinger, the Academy Award–winning actress, lasted nearly a decade. They have a daughter named Ireland, and for a time, theirs seemed to be the model of a successful Hollywood marriage. But in 2000 they separated and in 2002 divorced. Their split—specifically the custody battle surrounding Ireland—would be the subject of media attention for years to come.

In his own life and others’, Baldwin has seen the heavy toll that divorce can take—psychologically, emotionally, and financially. He has been extensively involved in divorce litigation, and he has witnessed the way that noncustodial parents, especially fathers, are often forced to abandon hopes of equitable rights when it comes to their children. He makes a powerful case for reexamining and changing the way divorce and child custody is decided in this country and levels a scathing attack at what he calls the “family law industry.”

When it comes to his experiences with judges, court-appointed therapists, and lawyers, Baldwin pulls no punches. He casts a light on his own divorce and the way the current family law system affected him, his ex-wife, and his daughter, as well as many other families. This is an important, informative, and deeply felt book on a contentious subject that offers hope of finding a better way.

Abuse & Betrayal: The Cautionary True Story of Divorce, Mistakes, Lies and Legal Abuse

English, 2014

Abuse & Betrayal is author Richard Joseph’s deeply personal autobiographical account of his experiences with marriage, divorce, and the effects of his ex-wife’s behavior. Sure to strike a chord with anyone who has ever been in a dysfunctional relationship or divorce situation, it follows the couple from happy beginnings to their tumultuous divorce, and describes the abuse and alienation Richard faced during and after the marriage.

Richard’s narration touches upon sensitive topics such as the emergence of his ex-wife’s narcissistic personality, her obsession with status, and the inappropriate behavior she exhibited. But the most raw and exposed of his passages are those dedicated to describing his ex-wife’s attempts at alienating him from his daughters, which makes Abuse & Betrayal a story not just about Richard’s divorce, but also about his feelings and efforts toward parenting and fatherhood.

Filling a void in the media market, Abuse & Betrayal delivers a story uniquely told from the male perspective and draws attention to important issues that too often get swept under the rug. Through Richard’s encounters with lawyers, the courts, and prison, it raises questions about the fairness of the divorce process in our country and speaks to the biases in the legal and judicial systems.

Divorce Casualties: Keeping Your Children Close While You’re Breaking Apart

Douglas Darnall | English, 2008

Some parents consciously, blatantly, and even maliciously denigrate their ex-spouse through negative comments and actions. Others simply sigh or tense up at the mention of the targeted parent, causing guilt and anxiety in the children. The result is a child full of hate, fear, and rejection toward an unknowing and often undeserving parent. Exploring issues such as secrecy, spying, false accusations, threats and discipline, Divorce Casualties recognizes the often subtle causes of alienation, teaching you to prevent or minimize its damaging effects on your children. Dr. Darnall’s practical techniques for understanding the effects of alienation, including characteristics of alienators, symptoms of alienators, a self-report inventory and exercises, and real-life examples, will help even the most well-intentioned of parents renew their commitment to helping their child maintain a healthy, happy relationship with both parents.

Beyond Divorce Casualties: Reunifying the Alienated Family

Douglas Darnall | English, 2010

The companion to Darnall’s bestselling Divorce Casualties, Beyond Divorce Casualties is a workbook for severely alienated children and their parents. The book describes the how and why of unification therapy, how to prepare for reunification, how to effectively work with attorneys, mediators, parent coordinators and counselors, and even how to say “goodbye” if reunification is not possible. This book also provides many real life examples of alienating behavior, exercises, and specific instructions for how to change your feelings and behavior. Importantly, the book’s underlying assumption is that you have the power to change even if you have no power to change the other parent.

Stalking the Soul

Marie-France Hirigoyen | English, 2000

Emotional abuse exists all around us—in families and work. Stalking the Soul is a call to recognize and understand emotional abuse and, most importantly, overcome it. Sophisticated and accessible, it is vital reading for victims and health professionals.

I Don’t Want to Choose: How Middle School Kids Can Avoid Choosing One Parent Over The Other

Katherine Andre | English, 2009

This book is written to help children resist the pressure to reject one parent in order to please the other.

Child Custody: Practice Standards, Ethical Issues, and Legal Safeguards for Mental Health Professionals

Robert Woody | English, 2000

Essential reading for any mental health professional who is currently involved in custody cases as well as those who are considering work in the family law arena. The author uses his unique perspective as both a psychologist and attorney to delineate standards for practice when providing services to children and families when there are custody disputes. He describes the ethical issues, legal risks, and appropriate safeguards for providing services in child custody cases and defines the core areas for custody evaluations, including: child development, family relations, parenting skills, psychopathology, family systems and dysfunction, and the ruling-out of child abuse. The author stresses the importance of clarifying professional roles and functions. Specialized intervention and assessment strategies are presented as well as management issues, legal concerns, and guidelines for testimony. Includes over 100 valuable summary guidelines and caution. This is also a valuable resource for judges and attorneys who must evaluate the extent to which testimony by mental health practitioners is ethical, appropriate, and consistent with accepted practice standards. Also contains useful information for divorced and divorcing parents.

Child Mental Health and the Law

Barry Nurcombe | English, 1994

The legal aspects of child mental health have changed in recent years, yet many who deal professionally with disturbed children are ill informed about the rights and responsibilities of minors. Child Mental Health and the Law addresses the need for a comprehensive, up-to-date text that describes the evolution of child mental health law and the relevance of the law to the child mental health clinician. Separate chapters deal with the legal issues presented by custody disputes, accusations of abuse and neglect, special education, civil liability suits, juvenile delinquency, and the voluntary and involuntary treatment of minors. Also included are sections on malpractice and the rights of institutionalized children. The authors, one a psychiatrist and developmental researcher, one a legal scholar, pay special attention to the role of the clinician as expert witness in court cases, and to the relationships (too often poor) between mental health professionals, attorneys, and judges. As the authors show, there has been little effective communication between those who study child development and those who make laws to regulate children’s welfare. or these professionals, the book provides a clear, jargon-free description of the scientific status of psychology and psychiatry in order to help them in their interpretation of the research findings and expert testimony.

Issue Focused Forensic Child Custody Assessment

Eric Mart | English, 2007

This is a scholarly analysis of the complex and controversial task of conducting a reasonable child custody evaluation. The author provides an interesting review and analysis of the relevant scientific and legal literature and provides some useful practical suggestions for moving forward. This book will be helpful to practitioners who want to learn more about child custody evaluations.

Child Custody Evaluations by Social Workers: Understanding the Five Stages of Custody

Ken Lewis | English, 2009

The arrival of Child Custody Evaluations by Social Workers: Understanding the Five Stages of Custody fills what was previously a void in the child welfare literature by defining the parameters of child custody and advocating the use of a stages model to conduct custody evaluations.

Because social workers understand the significance of ecological models and holistic practices for child development, the profession has always played a critical role in conceptualizing and implementing effective child custody evaluations. Therefore, it is fitting that this important work, authored by a veteran social worker, is now available for social work practitioners and legal professionals seeking guidance for best practices in conducting mental health evaluations that serve the ultimate goal of protecting and promoting the optimal development of children and families.

Drawing on the intellectual rigor and practical wisdom acquired over the past three decades, Ken Lewis has written a book that has vital significance for the child welfare field, recommended for teachers as a textbook for any college course on social work and the law and as an instructional guide for practitioners in seminars and workshops on child custody evaluation.

The Custody Evaluation Handbook: Research Based Solutions & Applications

Barry Bricklin | English, 1995

Joint custody. Same-sex custody. Young children with the mother. Which is the best arrangement? Unfortunately, for those who seek a trustworthy solution, research has proven that there is no single best arrangement for all children. This timely volume, however, does offer a practical and realistic  methodology with which to confront the challenging and often confusing issues facing the custody evaluator. The Custody Evaluation Handbook offers a helpful model for evaluating and assigning weight to the mountains of disparate information accumulated during a custody evaluation. The book advocates for a test-based approach that measures how successful each parent actually is at the job of parenting. The book describes numerous tests and tools for eliciting reliable information from both children and parents. The author emphasizes obtaining measurements from the involved child. Parent tests are designed to reflect the effectiveness with which a parent responds to typical childcare situations, and the degree to which a parent truly knows – and can satisfy the needs of – a particular child. Clearly spelling out the targets of a truly comprehensive and reliable evaluation, The Custody Evaluation Handbook will be a valuable book for custody evaluators and marriage and family therapists, as well as other involved mental health professionals.

The Dictionary of Family Psychology and Family Therapy

Richard Sauber | English, 1993

As the study of the family has expanded, the need for an up-to-date volume that brings together and defines major salient words, phrases and concepts has similarly grown. The updated edition of this unique resource provides an expanded yet compact and handy reference for all practitioners, researchers and students in the fields of family psychology and psychotherapy.

Each entry includes a definition of the term, an example of its use, the origin of the term, an early source using the term and, if pertinent, a recent source. `Borrowed’ terms from other fields such as family law, sex therapy, clinical child psychology and group psychology are also included.

The Fragile Alliance: An Orientation to Psychotherapy of the Adolescent

John Meeks | English, 2001

A discussion of the basic facts and skills required for therapists who work with troubled adolescents. This edition is more succinct, but includes new information and updated references. It covers important contemporary issues, such as juvenile violence and adolescent sex offenders.

Abus de Faiblesse et Autres Manipulations

Marie-France Hirigoyen | French, 2012

Crianza Compartida/Shared Parenting

Nelson Zicavo | Spanish, 2010

Creating a successful parenting plan: A step-by-step guide for the care of children of divided families

English, 2002

El Síndrome De Alienación Parental: Una Forma De Maltrato

Asuncion Tejedor | Spanish, 2006

Figli divisi: Storie di Manipolazione Emotiva dei Denitori nei Confronti dei Figli [Children Divided: Stories of Emotional Manipulation of Parents Toward Their Children]

Amy J. L. Baker | Italian, 2010

Hijos Manipulados Tras la Separación – Cómo Detectar y Tratar la Alienación Parental [Children Manipulated After Separation – How to Detect and Treat Parental Alienation]

Domenec Luengo, Arantxa Coca Vila | Spanish, 2007

Les Enfants du Divorce: Psychologie de la Separation Parentale

Gerard Poussin | French, 1997

Madre sin Hijos, Hijos sin Madre

Gladys Monge | Spanish, 2013

Programa de Intervención para Victimas de Interferencias Parentales

Asuncion Tejedor | Spanish, 2013

S.A.P.: Síndrome de Aliénation Parental [PAS: Parental Aliénation Syndrome]

Jose Manuel Aguilar | Spanish, 2009

Tenemos Que Hablar [We Need to Talk]

Jose Manuel Aguilar | Spanish, 2008

Divorce shouldn’t only mean truncated expectations, unfinished projects and bitterness; it should also mean new opportunities and renewed hope. Psychologist José Manuel Aguilar offers the essential divorce guide: what to do-and avoid-once the decision is made.