You may have fallen in love and had a child with someone from another country. While you naturally expected your relationship to last, things fell apart, and you may find yourself in a difficult situation in which your child’s other parent is threatening to take the...
Stop The Dominoes From Falling Now
Year: 2022
A therapist’s opinion in a custody case is not gospel truth
In high-conflict custody cases, many parents will hire a therapist to give an opinion to the court about their children’s best interests. Sometimes, the therapist may only see the child a couple of times before giving the court an opinion. In other cases, treatment...
Exposing widespread misinformation about parental alienation
“Bad information” is pervasive in society. It is harmful and yet often acted or relied upon. It is especially pervasive in the understanding of and treatment for parental alienation, whether in family counseling or family court. A lesson on the difference between...
Ways that parental alienation can harm children
Our national blog focuses on the various aspects of child custody, both nationally and internationally. One such topic is parental alienation syndrome. Indeed, one reason some blog posts focus on three possible negative effects of PAS and this blog will go over...
How an attorney can help you in your parental alienation case
Parental alienation can ruin your relationship with your child through no fault of your own. Although you can bring this egregious behavior to stop, you have to know how to be able to do that if you want to protect your relationship with your child. You also have to...
False allegations can impact your relationship with your child
Child custody issues can be bitter in a messy divorce. Your ex may try to vie for your child’s attention to the point that they make false allegations about you to your child. For example, your ex may try to convince your child you do not love them or may even try to...
Three ways parental alienation can harm children
Parental alienation post-divorce is sadly, all-too-common. Nevertheless, it can significantly harm a child mentally and emotionally as well as erode the parent-child relationship. The following is a brief overview of three ways parental alienation can harm children....
Parental alienation can play a major role in divorce cases
The analysis of divorce cases that involve child custody and support in Michigan has changed quite a bit over the last few decades. Family law courts have come to realize that both parents usually need to be involved in the child’s life, from a custody standpoint, and...
Is your ex gaslighting your kids against you?
When parents divorce, the hope is that they can work together as co-parents as they raise their kids as a team. Sadly, if parents have a lot of animosity towards one another post-divorce, this type of cooperation is not always possible. Some parents even go as far as...
How do you protect your child from factitious disorder by proxy?
Your child’s other parent can find a whole host of ways to try to keep you from contacting and building your relationship with your kid. One method is through factitious disorder by proxy. Here, the parent makes claims that the child suffers from physical or...