Parental alienation can ruin your relationship with your child through no fault of your own. Although you can bring this egregious behavior to stop, you have to know how to be able to do that if you want to protect your relationship with your child. You also have to...
Stop The Dominoes From Falling Now
Month: June 2022
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False allegations can impact your relationship with your child
Child custody issues can be bitter in a messy divorce. Your ex may try to vie for your child’s attention to the point that they make false allegations about you to your child. For example, your ex may try to convince your child you do not love them or may even try to...
Three ways parental alienation can harm children
Parental alienation post-divorce is sadly, all-too-common. Nevertheless, it can significantly harm a child mentally and emotionally as well as erode the parent-child relationship. The following is a brief overview of three ways parental alienation can harm children....